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The Risks Are Too High – Smokeless Tobacco And E- Cigarettes


Smokeless tobacco risky Bellevue WAAre We Addicting Another Generation of Smokers With e-Cigarettes and Smokeless Tobacco?

Years of educating kids on the risks of tobacco products are at risk on multiple fronts according to top medical groups in the US which include both smokeless tobacco and e-cigarettes. At Advanced Orthodontics we are concerned that kids today have the misconception that they are harmless when compared to smoking cigarettes.Read More

Are Your Children Eating Cereals Listed In The Hall Of Shame?

Advanced Orthodontics Bellevue WA Sugary cereals The Environmental Working Group researchers recently ranked more than 1500 #cereals by their total #sugar content, total weight and compared the findings with guidelines issued by federal health agencies and other organizations. What is most disturbing is that they also re-evaluated the list of 84 popular cereals evaluated in 2011 for comparison. Results… not one on the 2011 “worst” list had lowered its sugar content over the last three years.Read More

5 Tips For Parents About Bullying

Having “ugly” teeth may significantly contribute to the problem of bullying, according to a recent study published in the American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics. According to the study, teeth were the No. 1-targeted physical feature to increase a child’s chance of being bullied, followed by the child’s strength and weight.

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Practice Smart Sun Safety This Summer

Advanced Orthodontics Bellevue WA Sun safetyNow that summertime is almost upon us, kids are spending more time outside, families are going to more outdoor outings and many are heading out on vacation. Join Advanced Orthodontics and the EWG (Environmental Working Group) in their efforts, along with dermatologists and sunscreen companies to educate the public when it comes to the truth about sunscreens and sun safety.

Skin Cancer is on the Rise

Did you know that every year, more than two million Americans find out they have skin cancer? 2% are in their teen years! The rate of melanoma deadly skin cancer has tripled since the 1970s. The experts are not sure why and most consider the outbreak in new cases is due to widespread overexposure to sun, especially among adults who were repeatedly sunburned as a child. Several factors suggest that regular sun exposure may not be as harmful as intermittent and high intensity sunlight.Read More